What is Phone Broadcasting?

Phone broadcasting is a messaging system that sends prerecorded notifications over the phone to a large number of people at the same time. 

It is one of the fastest and least expensive ways to distribute information to a targeted audience.  Its use is also highly regulated by federal and state governments.

Phone Broadcasting is also known as voice broadcasting, automated phone dialing, phone blasting or call blasting.

Setting up an account for phone broadcasting is as easy as compiling a list of phone numbers and creating an informative message to send out to your audience.

In fact, you don’t even need to buy any equipment or software.  You can find more information on our phone broadcasting page here.

How Phone Broadcasting Makes Communication Easier

Organizations and businesses are outsourcing their automated dialing projects to vendors on a pay-as-you-go basis. Buying an automated dialing system can be expensive, and even more costly to maintain. That doesn’t even take into count the monthly expenses for phone lines.

When you use an automated dialer service or vendor, you can take advantage of the technology without the need for any overhead expenses, and the calls can be delivered much faster than an internal system.

We set up your account at no cost.  As soon as you supply us withyour message and phone numbers, your call can go out immediately.

How Automated Dialers are Regulated

Placing phone calls with an automated dialer is a regulated industry. 

The government has placed restrictions on sending pre-recorded messages. For example, it is unlawful to sell a product or service using a pre-recorded message unless the person you are calling has already given you written consent.

So, telemarketing is off limits. However, sending informational messages is perfectly legal. Examples are:

  • Product updates or recalls
  • School weather or emergency closings
  • Financial reports
  • Schedule or appointment reminders/notifications

The Main Phone Broadcasting Options

Today’s technology can process thousands of calls per minute.

Moreover, current automated dialing systems can differentiate between someone who picks up the phone (a live answer) and a voicemail or answering machine. If someone answers the phone, your message will be played immediately.

On the other hand, if the system detects a recorded greeting, it will automatically wait for silence after the greeting to leave a message.

It’s estimated that 70% of Americans are NOT at home during the day to answer their home phone. 

However, many people believe that delivering a voice broadcast message to a voicemail is preferred over a live answer.  Why?  Because the recipient can listen to the message at their convenience, when they are more attentive to the content, it is less intrusive, and it avoids the “startle factor”.

Some customers prefer delivering their pre-recorded voice broadcasting messages to live answers only, others to answering machines only, while most of our customers choose to deliver to both.

How Phone Lists are Managed

Phone lists are easily managed in standard database formats such as Excel, and can be transferred quickly by emailing or uploading to a provider’s web interface.

The actual voice message can be easily recorded over the phone. Be sure to use a high quality hardline phone to record your message, since cell phone connections can become distorted.

Overall, if you need to get information out quickly to a targeted group it would be hard to beat the ease and low cost of automated dialing.

Broadcasting over the phone is a highly effective way to reach hundreds, even thousands, in minutes with important alerts and notices. Email works too, but not everyone checks it regularly.

The Many Uses of Phone Blasts

Phone blasting is great for reminders, notifications, important announcements, and emergencies.

Phone blasting recorded messages is the fastest way to get urgent information to a targeted group of people — period.

Whether you need to get emergency notifications to schools or communities, or send crisis alerts regarding weather events like tornadoes or hurricanes, using today’s technology can provide you a practical and inexpensive solution.

You Do Not Need Any Special Equipment

Best of all, there is no need to buy equipment or hardware — the infrastructure is already in place and accessible online. 

Press a button and we will distribute thousands of your calls in minutes.

If the call recipient isn’t there, you can leave a message.  

And you only pay for the calls that get through. 

Phone blasting alerts can save lives. You can send alerts to notify people of disasters and threats.

The phone broadcasting, or phone blasting, applications are limitless and can be an essential part of your emergency planning efforts to head off disaster.

Take the time now to get set up. You will be ready as soon as you need to get an urgent message out quickly.

You can get more information about our phone broadcasting service here.

Why Should You Send Recorded Messages to the Masses?

Monarch Broadcast Messaging is one of the nation’s leading vendors specializing in automated phone calls.  Delivering messages via our auto-dialers is a fast, easy and cost-effective way to get important news and announcements out instantly to a large group of people.

What Do You Need to Start Phone Broadcasting?

1)  A list of phone numbers in a digital file. For example, an Excel database file.  Preparing your list is easy:

a. Provide us the 10-digit phone numbers, including the area codes, in a single database column.

b. Include additional information such as names, addresses, etc., in other columns.

We then use our automatic dialing system to make the calls for you. Once we have completed your calls, we send you a report of which numbers we successfully dialed.

2)  A message you can record, either over the phone or on a digital file such as .wav

Recording your message over the phone is easy.

Automated phone call vendors will give you a choice. You can either hire them to set up and run your job or launch the job yourself using their system.

Some providers will offer to do the work for you at no additional cost (like us). If you do-it-yourself, chances are you will either call a designated number to record your message, or upload a voice file you have already created. (You will control this via an online webpage or interface.)

Before you record, write, rewrite and practice reading your script several times. You’ll also have an opportunity to listen to your recording and, if you don’t like it, you’ll have the option of re-recording. You can do this as often as you need to get it right. Be sure to record over a landline phone and not a cell phone or VOIP connection which may distort the quality of the recording.

3)  A reliable service bureau (like us) that has the capacity to handle your job and is easy to work with.

We don’t just send your calls – we will also consult with you, at no additional charge, to make sure you achieve your desired results.

*It’s important to identify yourself and make sure you have your provider put in the correct Caller ID phone number so your recipients can see where you are calling from, and to comply with legal requirements.

How Much Does It Cost to Send Voice Broadcasts?

Sending mass phone notifications to a list of contacts can be a simple and easy process.

By using our phone broadcasting (voice broadcasting) service you can save a considerable amount of money because our notification system is already in place.  We also have the capacity to reach thousands of your contacts simultaneously.

Commercial or sales calls are illegal, unless you have a permission based opt-in list. Otherwise, sending out “informational” messages is perfectly fine.

Verbal announcements sent over the phone is a cost-effective way to deliver mass communication notifications to a large number of people at once.

Quality Phone Broadcasting is Key to Your Success

1)  We can provide you full service, work with you on your recordings and launching your jobs at no additional cost.  We’re happy to help you every step of the way, or, if you want to handle those tasks yourself, you can log on to the website with your passcodes and manage everything yourself.

2)  Unless you are a political operation, you don’t have to pay in advance with our full service.  We charge your credit card only after your job goes out. We then send you a full report on the number of message delivered — and we’ll email you a receipt. Fast, easy, and very little effort on your part.

3)  The quality of your mass notifications by phone is critically important.  We give you  access to the most advanced and highest quality system.

4)  We can also enable you to send automated voice surveys. Here your recipients can choose multiple choice answers by pressing their keypads.  For example:

  • “Did you like what you had for breakfast today?”  If yes, press 1.  If no, press 2.
  • Assess your survey results in real time.

Low Cost and Convenient Way to Contact Large Groups

Overall, you’ll find sending automated calls to a list of phone numbers can be one of the most effective and least expensive ways to communicate with a large group of people. You may be calling dozens, or tens of thousands. But big or small, you’ll enjoy the convenience of getting your message out in minutes, without needing any special hardware or software.